"I'll put a rubber duckie right in the back of his fuckin head!"
THE REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISED AGAIN: The U.S. media covers Chavez victory and calls it a defeat
Posted by Shana | 4:29 AM | 0 comments »
Miguel Tinker Salas The Real News Network-
Allies of President Hugo Chavez's won a strong majority in Venezuela's local elections on Sunday, winning 17 of 22 state governorships and 265 of 327 mayoral races. The opposition made important gains, capturing the Caracas mayor's office and two of the most populous states. Meanwhile Russian President Dmitry Medvedev arrived in Caracas on Monday to meet with Hugo Chavez, just one day after a Russian fleet docked in the Venezuelan port of La Guaira. The Russian navy will be conducting joint naval maneuvers with Venezuela in the Carribean. The maneuvers are scheduled to begin on December first.

Posted by Shana | 3:42 PM | 0 comments »

Jeff Spicoli from 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High' talks with Raul Castro about Obama, Guantanamo and the Pentagon; and with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on human rights in his country and the next US administration. It's pretty god damn good.


Posted by Shana | 6:08 PM | immature nonsense, video | 1 comments »

I'm sure you have been asking yourself 'I wonder what Noam Chomsky is thinking about Obama's election?'. Well if you haven't you should. He's got a special way of putting everything into perspective. He is one of the great common sense thinkers of the past 40 years or so. If you never heard him speak you might need a cup of coffee before clicking the link below, he is frank and honest but has been known to send attention challenged individuals into a comatose like state.

These people are scared shitless of the Employee Free Choice Act(EFCA). This is the reason why conservatives and the media are so aggressively opposed to the bailout of the auto industry. It has nothing to do with how shitty these companies have been run. They could give a rat's ass about corporate responsibility. No. This is about breaking up unions and killing labor organization. It is a war against the working class. A war against you and me.

He sure seems to be acting like one by filling his cabinet with the same old crusty dick's we've all grown used to. This whole thing is starting to smell bad. Why can't Dennis Kucinich be Attorney General? Why can't justice be administered to real criminals? And Hillary? For real? Cm on man don't fuck us over.

Michael Moore: 'It's the end of capitalism as we know it. And I say good riddance.'
Posted by Shana | 12:56 AM | 0 comments »"These guys, after all of that stuff they've been telling us all these years about capitalism, free market, free enterprise -- they don't believe in any of that. They don't believe in free enterprise or a free market. They want -- they want socialism for themselves. ... To hell with everybody else, but give it to them. And I think, really, what we're seeing here right now with them, with the banks, we're seeing the end of capitalism -- the end of capitalism as we know it. And I say good riddance."

With newfound bailout money in their wallets, big banks have been rushing to gobble up smaller ones. At the center of these mergers is the Treasury Department, led by Goldman Sachs alums Henry Paulson and Neel Kashkari. While neglecting struggling homeowners they have created major incentives for widespread bank consolidation, which could lead to a host of new problems. And, as members of Congress recently noted, Treasury officials seem to be making the rules up as they go.